SAM Learning meets every digital technology recommendation by the EEF.

The EEF recently published a technology guidance report for senior leaders and teachers to make better-informed decisions. It includes four recommendations for using digital technology to improve teaching and pupil learning.

SAM Learning meets every digital technology recommendation by the EEF.

Recommendation 1 – Consider how technology will improve teaching and learning before introducing it.

‘Without a clear plan for support and implementation, technology is much less likely to have an impact. This includes considering what initial training will be needed, what time and resources are required, and what ongoing support should be available.’

‘Decisions about whether to introduce technology should also include an analysis of the costs of implementing the technology, alongside the expected benefits.’

SAM Learning

  • Access unlimited FREE staff training from our education experts.
    • We help create whole school action plans, as well as operational advice to target classroom and/or individual learners. 
  • A 12-month subscription is as little as £3 learner*.

Recommendation 2 – Technology can be used to improve the quality of explanations and modelling.

‘Technology has the potential to help teachers explain and model new concepts and ideas. However, how explanations and models are conveyed is less important than their clarity and accessibility to pupils.’

‘Technology can help teachers model in new ways and provide opportunities to highlight how experts think as well as what they do, but maybe most effective when used as a supplement rather than a substitute for other forms of modelling.’

SAM Learning

  • Use every activity to model answers and address misconceptions.
  • Question Level Analysis report – enables effective metacognition teaching.

Recommendation 3 – Technology offers ways to improve the impact of pupil practice.

‘Technology has the potential to increase the quality and quantity of practice that pupils undertake, both inside and outside of the classroom.’

‘Using technology to support retrieval practice and self-quizzing can increase retention of key ideas and knowledge.’

SAM Learning

  • An EEF commissioned study found SAM Learning is proven-to-improve progress.
  • There are 1000s of low stakes, high-frequency assessments with immediate feedback.
  • ‘Try This Next’ recommends to pupils activities to target areas of weakness.
  • Easier-than-ever access on mobile devices means homework and revision can take place anywhere.

Recommendation 4 – Technology can play a role in improving assessment and feedback.

‘Technology has the potential to improve assessment and feedback, which are crucial elements of effective teaching. However, how teachers use information from assessments, and how pupils act on feedback, matter more than the way in which it is collected and delivered.’

‘Using technology can increase the accuracy of assessment, or the speed with which assessment information is collected, with the potential to inform teachers’ decision-making and reduce workload.’

SAM Learning

  • With the use of Question Level Analysis teachers can find learner gaps.
  • Teachers can click and teach to specific learning gaps – fill learner gaps.
  • All marking is completed for the teacher reducing their workload and allowing for a quick turnaround to decide what to teach next lesson. 
  • SAM Learning A.I provides students with a ‘Try This Next’ activity option to increase retention of knowledge.

We know you will like what you can access on the SAM Learning platform. Book an online demonstration  today and find out how affordable and effective SAM Learning will be for your school.

The EEF recently published a technology guidance report for senior leaders and teachers to make better-informed decisions. It includes four recommendations for using digital technology to improve teaching and pupil learning.