Focus Group Feedback – Dec 2021

Our thanks to all of you for completing our Focus Group Questionnaire, before Christmas. The randomly chosen winner has been sent their Amazon voucher.

We asked about what were the most important ways that SAM Learning helps you.  The most important were:

  • “SAM Learning saves you time on preparation and marking.”
  • “You can target intervention or catch-up work to groups or individuals.”


We asked what you would say to a teacher who has yet to log in and try SAM Learning.  You said:

  • “Allows really simple tracking of who has completed homework and how they did so you can see which students are consistently failing to produce hwk.”
  • “These tasks are a lifesaver and can be used for a wide range of independent learning activities.”


And our favourite:

  • “You’re wasting your time if you haven’t yet got down to logging into SAM Learning!”

In terms of requested development, you asked again for “better access on mobile formats”… watch out for a MAJOR product announcement, this term!

Please look out for our next questionnaire on the Message Board… when we will be asking you for feedback on this term’s exciting developments.