Malden Oaks PRU, Kingston-upon-Thames
Malden Oaks PRU, Kingston-upon-Thames
We use SAM Learning within our school (we are actually a pupil referral unit) and for our students who have medical tuition and have been doing so for about 2 years. We investigated quite a few platforms before choosing SAM Learning.
The top benefits for us are:
- Ease of use, not all of our staff are particularly IT savvy yet all can manage to add work for students and check the quality
- The breadth of subjects, exam boards, and levels: our students come from a variety of schools who use different boards and different subjects and we like to maintain that continuity if possible
- The ability as administrator to see what is being set if needed
- The price
- Most of the work is marked online
- Students get points from completing work set and so tutor groups can have little competitions to see which tutor group has done the most work online
As a pupil referral unit, our students come from more than 22 schools at varying points in their academic career and for many different reasons. Having a platform that allows us to set different work for each student means we can give each one a more personalised curriculum. Many of our students can cope with classroom teaching but for those who are unable, SAM Learning gives them some continuity. We also look after students who have 1:1 tuition either in their own homes or at the local library. They tend to have 1 session per day and so can be set other work to complete at home. Overall, this is consolidation work following on from the lesson.
It has proved to be extremely useful at the present time. Students can choose other work that has not been set so if they have a particular interest then they can choose to learn about that.
Customer service is always quick to respond. We would recommend SAM learning to other schools.