Littleport and East Cambridgeshire Academy
Littleport and East Cambridgeshire Academy
Littleport and East Cambs Academy (LECA) in Cambridgeshire. A new school (built-in 2017) and has a roll of 469 which will rise to a capacity of 600 in 2021/22.
SAM Learning has been very effective during the Pandemic. With the first closure, it allowed us to set work immediately so the students we able to get on with their curriculum straight away. It gave us time to prepare our own resources and fine-tune our protocols so we could deliver a full curriculum as soon as possible. Now, we use to plug gaps and set extension work so part of the catch-up funding will go towards SAM.
SAM Learning has help fed straight into our vision for creating independent learners at LECA. We wanted to give students a safe platform to practice being independent and to extend their learning. We also wanted a platform that could tailored and customised and SAM delivers that.
The platform has made a huge impact, firstly, the students love it. They like competing with each other, they like being part of a tutor group team. They like that they can customise their avatars as they make more progress. Secondly, we can see that some students who would not otherwise engage with homework, do engage with SAM.
Students have liked it from Day 1. The format is appealing and they soon began competing with each other to top the leaderboards. They now see it as a part of a package of resources they have available 24/7 alongside other platforms we use.
Also, the feedback we get from parents is really positive and they see the same as us – some students who wouldn’t normally engage with home learning do engage with SAM
The built-in intervention waves are great. The fact that you can customise and create intervention groups so quickly and easily. That the resources are customisable. The problem with some packages is that they are fixed – with SAM you can make them bespoke to your students.
It has definitely helped the lives of our teachers. 100%. Quick and easy to set and check homework; real-time data so you can who’s engaged with work; self-marking and very easy to use.
Definitely take a look at this platform. It’s really good right now but it’s getting better all the time. The support is excellent and the platform is particularly useful to engage learners who otherwise might not engage and to drive progress and independence. We wouldn’t be without it.