Are the Ofsted Research Findings affecting your school?

You might have seen Ofsted’s Remote Learning Research Report on remote education following months of school visits and interviews with staff and parents. 

Many schools do not currently have online review and assessment as one of their remote education provisions. The information below highlights Ofsted’s research findings and the impactful solution SAM Learning can provide.

Ofsted Finding:

‘Switch to remote education has increased teachers’ workload’

SAM Learning Solution:

  • Less than five minutes to set automatically-marked work to your classes or target learners on SAM Learning saving you hours of preparation and marking.
  • NEW: Live feedback of student understanding while teaching online through our Question Level Analysis

Ofsted Finding:

‘Difficulty aligning curriculum with remote education’

SAM Learning Solution:

  • SAM Learning covers all exam boards for 33 GCSE subjects and 17 KS3 subjects with thousands of pre-made activities and the opportunity for teachers to build specific activities.

Ofsted Finding:

‘A third of teachers not confident delivering remote lessons’

SAM Learning Solution:

  • CPD Centre with 2-minute videos showing teachers how to set and review tasks in simple steps.
  • Every school is assigned a SAM Learning School Success Manager, who’s had experience in Education and is available to share current good practice from a variety of other schools.

Ofsted Finding:

‘SEND children ‘more disengaged with learning’

SAM Learning Solution:

  • The student interface engages all students, but especially SEND students with the well structured and motivational style of SAM Learning activities. Students enjoy progressing through SAM World with customised avatars. 

Ofsted Finding:

‘Video lessons offer a solution for shortage subjects and snow days’

SAM Learning Solution:

Post COVID: 

  • The SAM Learning activities are ready to be set and marked for you if you are teaching out of your one subject area.
  • Engaging activities that promote active learning, whatever the weather.

If you have any further questions and would like to discuss further or arrange an online demonstration, please get in touch with the details below.