Two GCSE grades better with 30 minutes per week

A.I. driven personalised learning that helps reduce teacher workload and improves results.

Verified by Education Endowment Foundation and Fischer Family Trust Independent Research.

“I love SAM Learning it makes teaching lessons fun and easy and has a vast amount of resources available. The challenges have really helped to encourage my students to get logged in and complete the challenges they’ve turned it into a competition between themselves. It’s also vastly helped with homework as it’s quick and accessible for the students.” – J.P. Cleethorpes. Feb 2023.

Massive time saver and aids student independence” – A.H. Huddersfield Jan 2023.


Automatically marks personalised revision plans in just a few clicks.


Students are proven to get two GCSE grades better with 30 minutes a week!


A.I. automatically assigns activities and challenges for students every week.


Question-level analysis to quickly identify students' progress and knowledge gaps.


Independently build knowledge and reinforce prior learning using activities of their choosing.


Rated GREAT or EXCELLENT on EdTech Impact.

Learn How sundae works

Weekly challenges powered by A.I

Thousands of local investors compete to buy your dated or damaged house. Why trust one offer when you can have several?

All major GCSE and KS3 Subjects

No repairs, clean ups or showings. sell fast without the work or worry of traditional selling.

Two GCSE grades better with 30 minutes a week*

Close as little as 10 days or up to 60 days. Once you’ve agreed to an offer, you may be eligible for a cash advance of up to $10,000.

How it works


Weekly challenges powered by A.I.


All major GCSE and KS3 subjects


Two GCSE grades better with 30 minutes a week

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27 GCSE subjects

17 KS3 Subjects

All Examination Boards, Including iGCSE

Make batter classes

Class creator empowers educators with all the tool they need to make the best classes for their students, and school community.

all the data you need  is organized and at your fingertips:

Our customers love us

"It really helps teachers with the workload, it helps with marking, planning and devising resources for students."

– St Edmund’s College

"It’s saved my department time and stress for the ease of using SAM Learning over our previous platform for homework."

– Nottingham Academy

"The A.I. function means that the platform works with each individual pupil, tailoring questions to their specific needs as they look to master their subjects."

– King’s Leadership Academy Warrington

Two GCSE grades better with 30 minutes a week

A 9-year series of impact studies, commissioned by the EEF and completed by the Fischer Family Trust (FFT), found the impact on student outcomes (especially at GCSE level) when 10 task hours were completed over an academic year, was equivalent to 1 grade higher for at least 2 GCSE subjects.

Equivalent to a +0.20 P8 improvement.